hello. I'm Nebulate. I am a mediocre master of ms-paint from the land of fjords and trolls. i post memes and drawings of my (and others) OCs. with the occatonal "propper" drawing at times.
(i ate soap as a kid)
Pfp by @TheGarbager619

Age 19, Male, always tired


Fucking hate that place

Norway (not Svalbard lol)

Joined on 12/31/22

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oh no is it getting harder.... (still ez tho) 10 Points

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this is literally sooo easy!!! 5 Points

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Yres this is not bullshit. this is the first time i have been drunk ever in my life. I drank a bottle of koskenkorva today. My mom and sistar is out in a different country now and i have the house for myself. so i have now drank a bottle of pommagranite flavored koskenkorva. good drink. but i am intoxicated now. I am a responsible drinker i swear. i wont do this again when mom and sis is gone in the next 4 days. beeing intoxicated/ drunk is wierd. you can think but not reely at thw same time.im trying to best to write the best i can.its like you can think properly but not at the same time. i like can think for a short time and shit.but not reely. i want tio make it clear that i am drunk when writing this-.but anyways. you feel dizzy when drunk and you cant reely remeber properly. i do get why you dont like alcohol if you dont like it. its not for LL. but now that im alone in my houyser for 4 days i can do this beacouse i am responcible drinker i swear. nowe i am alone im my room watching kitcjhen nightmares anr on my pc talking on discord whilst about to admit that i have a crush on a fnf character (shuttup if ppl asrew saying whom it is. i am dizzy and yes. a bottle of koskenkorva does that to you. it will be hard to edit my spamton impression when im like this. thank got i am drinking at a satturday night. imma walk in my house to ge ice cream tyosee how well i walk. i am dizzy and walk witch gravity with my help. it feels like my legs dont have weight when i walk and its wierd. but hey i got ice cream. it good stuff. I have ppl online to keep me in check for thr night. but yeah this is wierd and thank god i dont work tommorow. but its fine beacouse in 19 and leagaly can drink and i wont do this again this week

here is drink i drank


and here is drawing i drw whike intoxicated.


¨tl;dr: IM DRINK


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