More or less what the title says. How long ill be gone for have i not decited but it will be long. Ill be taking a break for three reasons:
1: I am just burned the hell out from Discord. I am a bit tired interacting with ppl. I have nothing against the peaople i usualy interact with. Just need some time for myself for a while.
2: Anyone who knows me knows that i despise my school. It leads to alot of stress for me when i get home. And since i alredy get stressed from discord due to burnout i want to focus on just geting past my school days. And i have noticed at times that Discord is distracting me when im in class.
3: I wanna do more art. And while yes beeing on Discord dossnt do mutch, i wanna have more focus on art and stuff. like in school i find Discord distracting for my drawing engagement.
I will still use NG of cource (dont worry about me leaving the internet alltogether) and i want to try to use more often. I have overlooked it. I do also want to try making some new type of stuff. idk if ill commit to it but i want to try animating or music making. But i can't guarrantee if thats gonna happen.
In case you want to talk to me, just DM me. Im willing to talk with you. I also want to try out NG chat that i have never reely used. So that is an alternative i guess (if you have supporter). Also: if there is a collab (mostly talking about the CDi collab i still want to be a part of that) i joined that gives news only via discord please DM me with the news i have no other way of knowing them.