Oppinion on pizza and what is the best toppings that can be on one?
Oppinion on pizza and what is the best toppings that can be on one?
Man. You have been cooking while making this one. Reely enjoy the coulors here.
Woud play if this were actualy a game that i coud buy and play. Looks hella great.
Thank you!
Love theese designs. Glad that i asked you that question. Fem Human Shoko is cute and Male Human Shoko is so cool. But i like Fem more lol (no suprise comming from me).
those are the kind of questions worth asking!
It da best bunny of all time.
Aww. thank you. Ill put this on my pizza. :D
Yoooo. She is so cute. Reely good plauge docktor design.
Man. I feel the same way when i am in class. I relte to him so mutch rn.
Theese makes the podcasts so memerable. Good stuff.
Holy moly the coulors of the enviroments and character are great here. good stuff.
hello. I'm Nebulate. I am a mediocre master of ms-paint from the land of fjords and trolls. i post memes and drawings of my (and others) OCs. with the occatonal "propper" drawing at times.
(i ate soap as a kid)
Pfp by @StevSteelEn
Age 19, Male, always tired
Unemployeed lmao
Shoud've been done
Norway 🇳🇴
Joined on 12/31/22