Love it. Thank you. Great use of coulors.
Love it. Thank you. Great use of coulors.
i mean, you DID design the colors. good job and thanks!
Holy shit what a change from what you usualy make. You are reely flexible of what you can draw and i admire that.
thank you, i used to do this kind of draws b4 but i drop it and take a more mouse friendly style you know :)
Wholesome artwork. Totaly that. Not a different type of artwork no serry.
Yea for sure
Oh fuck its cute. The couloring of the character over the bacround makes it good to look at. Also the green hair(?) looks great.
Thank you!!
Yes that's her hair haha
But is she the true reason that staff has dissaperad in the lab? Eh, hwo knows?
(⊙ _ ⊙ ) we will never know
That is some real spooky halloween art. Great use of the neon coulors.
Thank you so much ^^
This is what Crazy Frog does to people.
As a huge Crazy Frog fan. I can confirm. This is me IRL.
Yoo! Its the funny pyromaniac.
Bargon gave her a really cool design!
I bet she is going to murder someone with her murder of crows.
Of corvus she will
Everyone loves a qute monster girl. :3
i was trying to draw one of my characters with a costume but she ended turning into a cute regrets xD
hello. I'm Nebulate. I am a mediocre master of ms-paint from the land of fjords and trolls. i post memes and drawings of my (and others) OCs. with the occatonal "propper" drawing at times.
(i ate soap as a kid)
Pfp by @StevSteelEn
Age 19, Male, always tired
Unemployeed lmao
Shoud've been done
Norway 🇳🇴
Joined on 12/31/22