Dette her ser veldig spennende ut. En norsk tegneserie er noe jeg alltid liker. Ser veldig mye potensiel i dette.
Dette her ser veldig spennende ut. En norsk tegneserie er noe jeg alltid liker. Ser veldig mye potensiel i dette.
Que the best song in the ost.
Man. I just wanted chimichangas. :(
Graffiti do be the coolest form of art with no doupt.
Very nice stuff. Woud hire him for a job too.
My favourite pastime.
The SrPelo outtakes are still cannon im my mind godammit.
Dude. Let me rest alone. I dont want you to make a sparkle when i try to rest.
Sparkles are KEY for sleepy feelings
We live in a society. We truly do.
hello. I'm Nebulate. I am a mediocre master of ms-paint from the land of fjords and trolls. i post memes and drawings of my (and others) OCs. with the occatonal "propper" drawing at times.
(i ate soap as a kid)
Pfp by @StevSteelEn
Age 19, Male, always tired
Unemployeed lmao
Shoud've been done
Norway 🇳🇴
Joined on 12/31/22