welp. mods likely (and understandery) descouted me. im not devastated or anything. im more or less happy that i have a reason to improove as a artist. i am a huge fan of propper qualaty controll so i am more happy that peaople get a plessent experiance when browsing the portal. my stuff aren't good enough to fit the standards and that is fine
i made a forum thead where i got my awnser
question about being scouted (newgrounds.com)
and to the mod that descouted me
Your art is good in my opinion. I feel bad for you though. I wish you a more positive experience on this site, but time will tell. (not trying to upset you)
eh dont worry. im aware that my stuff isnt compleate shit. but i know its not worthy of being scouted. im more happy that the mods prioritised qualaty rather than one rando using ms-paint be on the same leauge as more skilled artists