Today is the day i created Pip. She is my mascot and a kind-of sona. I never intended her to be as important to me as i thought. The general history of her is on my art thread where you can read that. I also made a artwork to celebrate the day where i made a bigger text explaining this year of her.
I know its cringe to celebrate ones own OC's b-day idc just let me do this.
EDIT: just to make it clear for potential confution: my irl b-day in on 7th July. This issnt a big thing. Just a stupid celebration of my silli bunny oc. Just wanted to clear that.
But what i want to do is to thank peaople that have drawn her. I love every artwork and i wanted to show apresiation.
Just note that i dont have space for all of them and im truly sorry for that.
Love the coulors here. And the funny game referances here are great.
An Artfight attack that was finished after artfight. The two other characters are Bargon's OCs Kai and Kaana. This is a nice crossover here.
Sutch an epic artwork of Pip traveling trough the DiGiTaL rEaLm oooOOOooo. I reely like the inclution of the varius indie game characters here.
Sutch an epic take on human Pip. The mask and outfit looks great here. I REELY like the general energy that just emits from her. Kust a Chef's kiss for this one.
Just a reely nice take of her. She is just reely cute.
A n take of Pip wher if she woud look like if she was in Painter Blazer (a game aapi is making). Just look at the arms and the 3D glasses is reely cute on her.
Just amazing bacround. And the ears flopped down with that cute face just is amazing. How else can i describe it?
Just raw good (whatever that mean). This is the expression of a true gamer. This is a fact (i said it myself so its true).
The artstyle is so great here. And this is probobly the most wholsome artwork of her. I reely love it.
A great chibi take of her. Her pointing at the wiewer like she owned you in a fighting game is just like how a true game woud behave.
It's the funny bunny
The silli bunny.