hello. I'm Nebulate. I am a mediocre master of ms-paint from the land of fjords and trolls. i post memes and drawings of my (and others) OCs. with the occatonal "propper" drawing at times.
(i ate soap as a kid)
Pfp by @StevSteelEn

Age 19, Male, always tired

Unemployeed lmao

Shoud've been done

Norway 🇳🇴

Joined on 12/31/22

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2023 Recap/1 year on NG

Posted by Nebulate - December 31st, 2023

Happy new years everyone. This also marks as 1 year on NG for me. I have had a great year and in honestly shocked that i have been a reconized member of the NG BBS. Thank you all for the support over this one singular year. Still cant beleave 140 peaople thought i was worthy of being followed.


I wanna give a thank you to @aapiarts, @Thetageist, @BroSkullEmoji, @Olexxie and @PachkaNG for being reely cool people and cool friends.

Also shoutout to @BargonSpaceman, @SomeDoodles, @colorsCrimsonTears and @Levi0nL1ne for checking at my art thread. Its nice to see that ppl like my stuff (and @MEGAknight34199 for always giving nice comments to my uploads).

I might have left out some other ppl and im sorry for that.

But lets go to the recap.

I joined NG on new years day 2023. Not NYE 2022 (timezones and shit). I joined NG to just get a social media acount and nothing mutch else. And then on the 11th i published my first art on the portal. Two drawings of wooper. Its was actualy made on 12,12,22 so its not my first at ever but it was my first upload.

As for my actual first art on NG is actualy my banner. Yup that this was the first thing i made for this site. Ill change it next year. But for the art portal i think its this drawing of a then not OC (thats going through an redesign(im procratinating)) But im not 100% shure.

I created Blomkatt this year and trew him on the OC-Plaza a few hours after creation. And the og drawing was a failed attempt of drawing a weed imp. This is not a joke. Im honestly suprised how popular he was there.

In februarey i created Bombeedier and a redesign of Blomkatt.

And this trash design of Meta

My first batch of OC-plaza stuff was published as well this month.


I created Elie that month.

And i made Pip public to the world.


Published shitty art i made as a joke loooong before i started NG.

And made this drawing of @BargonSpaceman's OC Alice. As shit the art is and i do struggle to look at it now. It was somthing i put alot more effort than i usualy did at the time.


Celebrated Pico day 2023.

And celebrated May 17th (my country's constetution day).

And made a silly attempt on a comic.


I particapartd in @TheShokBlok's Games of the munchies and lost (sad face). But @PointlessField won on i made some art to gonratualte him.

Nothing mutch else happend in this month.


But this month. OoOOOOOOOo!!! I turned 18 that month. :D

I also particaparted in Artfight that year and made 55 drawings from that. And ingnore the wierd way i uploaded them. I will upload them more consistantly next Artfight.

I also joined @colorsCrimsonTears' 1-bit Artapalooza.


I gave Pip her redesign witch i woud say was a good call.

And i joined Clocks Of The BBS 2023 hosted by @Little-Rena.

Got 50 followers.

This month also wassnt a good month for me beacouse MS-Paint chrashed ALOT that month and i coudnt draw at all without it crashing 30 FUCKING times (this is not an exagguration).

I managed to make some stuff with the chrashing tho.

I coudnt particaparte in Robot day due to the chrashing. :(


MS-Paint finaly works again.

I replayed Mario & Luigi Dream Team and made some art after beating it.

Particaparted in Madness day.

And my 10th batch of OC-plaza stuff was published.

And alot of collabs

Cogab hosted by @53xy83457

Spider Collab by @fe3l1ngsk1lledd

Suffering by @Prismisho

Spooky 1-bit Artapalooza by @TravelSizedLions


I did a daily drawing chalange. This was actualy hell to finish. School actualy made me want to give up on it. But i pushed trough and finished the damn chalange.

Got to the 100 followers milestone.

And the Creature Collab 2023 hosted by @Zfert finaly was published after a month in limbo.


November was relatively uneventful. I did some art trades i guess.


On the 8th it was the 1 year creation of Pip and i celebrated her creation lol.

Did a collab with @BroSkullEmoji.

Art celebrating Christmas featuring Blomkatt.

And particaparted in the Secret Santa. I drew for @GreysNewgrounds

I also am nominated for the BBS Awards "newcommer" award hosted by @Little-Rena.

Thing issnt out yet so you and i have to wait to see what place im at.

And lastly i wanna give some spotlight on some artist that drew my OCs. I wont mention all of them beacouse there is alot of them. Ans some of theese artists has became inspirations to me.

Here is a playlist compiling all of them if you wanna look at their stuff.


Great drawing of derp Blomkatt


Just a extreamly high effort drawing of Bombeedier.


Still love this pear-shaped boi.


Amazing spoopy artwork of Meta. Its still the coolest artfight attack i got no contest.


Shame that you left NG. This Blomkatt drawing is still amazing.


Just GOLD with the lighting.


Cute b-day art of Pip and ill cherrish it.


Secret Santa art and you did a good job with it.

Happy New Year and may 2024 be less shit!




Happy New Year, Nebulate.

Happy new year Skilled.

Wow, you sure had a year full of activity

It was my first year si i think it was expected lol.

Guys will look at this and say "hell yeah" (hell yeah)

Hell yeah.

Happy new year, Nebulate
2024 Will be better :D

Oh i hope so. Im going to REELY hope 2024 issnt as shit.

Happy New Year, Yyusep. :D

Happy new years! I’m glad this year went well for you, and let’s hope the next one is just as good if not better!

Yee. Happy new year, Ostan!

Happy New Year, Nebulate! You made so much art this year and improved so much. I hope you have an even better year.

Happy New Year, Bargon! And thanks. I m honestly shocked of the difference in qualaty in my stuff rom the start and end of the year. I hope this year i will improove even more.

Me mentoined

I hope not i spelled "words" insted of your username lol.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can’t wait to see what’s gonna be in this one :3

Cant wait too.

Happy new tear, Widdle!