Erlier today i followed the bots and i noticed that @A-Bot’s (formely A-BOT) username was allcaps. So i went to the @TomFulp QnA thread in the supporter forum. I just thought it was either an acident or to make A-Bot to be presented as louder than the others. Tom apperantly diddnt notice that so he changed A-Bot and @G-Bot (formely G-bot) to be consistant with the others. I diddnt even intend to do this. And apperantly the inconsistansies has been there sinse the start. So yeah. Im in the NG bot lore.
here is a screenshot of what it used to be.
(A-Bot was in allcaps and G-Bot diddnt have the "b" uppercase)
Here are their new names.
And here is my interaction with Tom on the QnA thread.
congrats... you're one step nearer to turning into a bot
Robots are cool.