Hi! So basicaly insted of doing your regular recap with art and whatnot, i wanted to fokus on the top 10 games i beat this year. Just thought it was a fun idea. This is also the first year where i actualy started to use my Steam acount i had rotting for a while and godamn it was a good choice to start using it. The Nintendo Switch is just too expensinve for me to keep using. STEAM SALES FTW!!!!!!
But yeah here is my top 10 game i beat.
10: Pikuniku
Pikuniku is a fun and charming game that i enjoyed quite alot. It has wacky controls and dumb yet loveble humor. I like that the game dossnt take itself seriusly. Definitely worth it when on sale.
9: The Henry Stickmin Collection
Henry Stickmin is a funny NG guy and his steam game is a funny remaster of all of his NG games plus a big boi finale. This game just is plain funny and i just love to see all of the silly ways Henry fucking dies in. Wery enjoyble.
8: Balatro
Balatro... is a good game. Did it desserve a Game Award nomination? Ehh shure i guess. vut godamn this is a good poker type game. I just like to pick card and see numbers go brr. And i cant get bored of it. Go play if ur bored
7: Bugsnax
This game just hit me. The gameplay is just a good Monster catcher game (wich i always love). But damn taking on the topic of addiction (somthing i struggle with myself) and how different people use it to cope with their issues hit me hard. All of the creature designs are great (bombino is the best one shut up) and go play please.
6: Carrion
Carrion is the most fucked up thing i played this year and i loved playing it. Playing as the monster in the horror game and you just torturing people that are trying to do their job and survive is so brutal. You Feel the suffering you inflick on the NPCs and i felt awful playing it and that is why the game was so amazing. I will hopefully replay it again one day.
5: Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Awful name, Great game. This is the most recant game i played, beating it yeseterday as of me writing this. You want a Tony Hawk Pro Skater (never played lol) and a Jet Set Radio (barely played) fusion? Well you got this smooth af, reely stylish, graffiti plastering, combo grindin' masterpeice of a game. Even tho its one of those "where the fuck do i go" type games i still had alot of fun with it.
4: Rivales of Aether
Haha! Furry platform fighter go brrrr. But for real this is a great fighter on its own. I main Maypul and she is fun to play. The story mode despite being wack at time is good. But the real reason i love this game is the mods. Holy fuck the mods make this game peak. I have so SO many mods downloaded so i basicaly cant get bored. From Gay Fridge to Peppino, to Spamton to Ronald McDonalds, to even Clover UTY to motherfucking 1000% Acurate Fox. The game always deliver.
3: Pizza Tower
Holy moly this is a good game. I do like to go speed. Yeah this game is basicaly the definition os an amazing game and it was what made me start to use my steam acount. Everything is so hecktic and fun. Peppino and especialy Noise is so fun to control. The art is great, the music is peak, there is no bad level. Just go play it.
2: Antonblast
Most likaly this is recency bias and Pizza Tower may be the more well put together, but for now i like Antonblast. This game is so flashy and fun. I dont think i have audibly laughed at a game is a long time. And the controls are just *chefs kiss*. My god this is a great game go play please.
1: Hi-Fi Rush
Yeah this is my favourite game i played this year, no debate. You want a flashy hack-n'-slash, rhythm platformer? Well BOOM you got one. The comedy is great, the character are loveble, music is peak (i listen to Negotiation alot its that great) and its is simply a must play in my humble oppinion. Please play it i beg you.
Some honorable mentions of games i have played but not beaten, beaten before or is not the top 10 games i beat.
Have a Nice Death, Portal, Peggle, Lethal Leauge, Totaly Acurate Battle Simulator, Undertale Yellow, Super Mario Bros Wonder, Indie Pogo, Undertale, Mad Rat Dead, Penny's Big Breakaway, Astro’s Playroom, Shovel Knight Treashure Trove and BOOM Buster.
Games in my backlog that wanna beat is: Bioshock, Prey, Omori, Ape Out, Pepper Grinder, Portal 2, FNaF Pizza Sim, Incryprion, Insaniquarium, Indigo Park, Dungeons of Aether, Pseudogalia, Jet Set Radio and Gato Roboto.
Shoutout time!
I gotta give some shoutouts to some cool peeps as well.
@aapiarts for being my best pal and just in general for being a great dude to be with.
@FunnyPlush for being another great friend to me. I just reely like to hang out with this guy and talk abt whatever.
@Thetageist for helping me giving me help with some hard times i have had this year. I reely apreciate it alot
@Creeperforce24 for helping me and @aapiarts with the music for Twigi's Twisted Costumes. Wery nice stuff.
@TheGarbager619 for a comm i used as a pfp for a long time and for sharing some dumb and fun memes with me.
@TheMusicalManiac is someone i just have alot of fun talking to. Whether it being about art, Disney, geography and more. She is someone that is fun to hang out with.
@DextaGethood for letting me participate in the CD-i Collab and the OC Meme collab. I am very thankful about it.
@TheShokBlok for being a cool person to talk to. i genuinely never get bored to him cuz he alsways gives an interesting conversations with him. Also thanking him for the Pip and Cybernewt commisions i bought from him
@StevSteelEn for being one of my biggest artistic inspirations and for drawing this badass Pip drawing. Cool guy to talk to as well.
@TomFulp for making a cool and epic website.
J. G. Quintel for making Regular Show. I just wanted to say i watched Regular Show this year and i loved it. Thats it.
Some other peeps i wanna give shoutouts to are:
@BargonSpaceman, @EmsDeLaRoz, @FutureCopLGF, @BottleTopBillFanclub, @Dungeonation, @GlitchBuddy, @Itsmega @Ferbun, @CappyCatII, @Deedge, @BoiledMilkz, @sereneFalconer, @PachkaNG, @KDT, @Skoops, @Yosos, @MondoBilby, @Morpherence.
henry stickmin is peak
It do be peak indeed.