Fried chicken is a based food. I dont blame anyone to prioritize eating fried chicken over being with their partner.
Fried chicken is a based food. I dont blame anyone to prioritize eating fried chicken over being with their partner.
Haaaaaa! Fried chickens good, yeah! Just cuddle with several loose pieces of greasy chicken every night :D
Eyyy. Diddnt know you’d upload it. But again thanks. Gaming and b-day cake is a good combo.
That's the true gamer's combo!
Get me out of this fighting cage! Im not redy to fight her! Get me out of here!
U gon get ded :(
Peak couloring as always.
Thank u <3
Its da gunman!
It him.
Yoo! She made paint bombs out of spray cans. And she have to strike a cool pose after a cool explotion.
Shes so extra with it.
Everyone loves a good show with a cute host.
Great coulors mixed with the adoreble character design.
thanks fellow neb!
Dude. Why are you deep inside Luigi’s mind? Havent you seen what can happen there?
I haven't
Kinbari cant catch a break. Damn...
Who needs breaks... when you can break others
- Kinbari probably
Look! My OC is there! Thanks.
How mutch time did all of this take in total? Cuz there is alot.
Definitely took a bit of time, haha! I spent about 13 days with 6-10 sketches per day.
hello. I'm Nebulate. I am a mediocre master of ms-paint from the land of fjords and trolls. i post memes and drawings of my (and others) OCs. with the occatonal "propper" drawing at times.
(i ate soap as a kid)
Pfp by @StevSteelEn
Age 19, Male, always tired
Unemployeed lmao
Shoud've been done
Norway 🇳🇴
Joined on 12/31/22